Options Backtesting Central
So. You're ready to take your options trading to the next level.
You've had some option trade wins, and some losses too. You've developed techniques, and seen those strategies work, and also fail. You've hit it big after a surprise earnings announcement, and also watched big winner drain away as the options premium disappears day by day.

Bring Science to your trading
Track results with real returns
Scan and Screen thousands of strategies
Bring in the big guns
Taking your options trading to the next level
It's time to find repeatable strategies. Success isn't about hitting the occasional 400% earnings win, it's about turning your trading account into a steady money maker. You need science. You need tools. You need weapons to fight the banks and the hedgefunds and the high frequency shops.
You no longer have to ponder one trade at a time. Screen thousands of option backtest results to find the optimum result for your best ideas.
Look at average return and amount risked using your commissions and realistic fills. It's time for data, for tracking, for charting for getting edge.
It's time to stop guessing about what's working. It's time to use analytics and machine learning to optimize your trades.

CML stands for Capital Market Labs. The CEO is the well known options trader @OphirGottlieb. That's one of the many things we love about the tool. It's made by traders, for traders.
The tool has 3 main areas:
1. Backtest
2. Scan
3. Discover
CML TradeMachine
For Traders by Traders
Good News. We've got you covered.
We're going to cover all the major option backtesters on the market, including ThinkOrSwim, E*Trade, Livevol, and our current favorite, TradeMachine.
We'll start with TradeMachine, because we use it every day, and it's the most exciting one for us to talk about.

TradeMachine's 3 Big Areas
Screen & Scan
Discover Insights
Discover insights is perhaps the greatest hidden gem of all in the product. Curated, backtested, amazing trade ideas from a world class trader.
The scanner is an amazingly powerful feature. The CML team has created dozens of strategies, and then runs these strategies every day against all of the stocks in the market. You can then sort the results, filter, and screen all of the backtest results in the market, as well as see when the next earnings event is coming up.
This is the meat and potatoes of the TradeMachine. On the top you can enter 1 to 5 stock tickers, a time frame for backtesting, and how long you want the option expirations to be.
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TradeMachine - Backtest
This is the meat and potatoes of the TradeMachine. On the top you can enter 1 to 5 stock tickers, a time frame for backtesting, and how long you want the option expirations to be.
To the left, the strategy, earnings handling and technical signals.
Boom. 5 backtests with 5 years of data in seconds.

TradeMachine - Scanner
The scanner is an amazingly powerful feature. The CML team has created dozens of strategies, and then runs these strategies every day against all of the stocks in the market. You can then sort the results, filter, and screen all of the backtest results in the market, as well as see when the next earnings event is coming up.
With just one click you can then load the scan result into the options backtester to see the results in detail.
TradeMachine - Discover
The discover tab is where the hidden magic is. And that's the TradeMachine insights. These are articles written by former options market maker Ophir Gottlieb that show off the magic of the TradeMachine while giving solid, well researched trade ideas 2 to 3 times a week. I think a lot of the members of the community just use the service for the Discover Insight emails that hit their inbox.

TradeMachine's Price
Normally $129/mo, current promotion $79/mo
Normally TradeMachine Pro runs for $129/mo, but they have a promotion running for $79/mo, locked in for life (assuming the promotion is still running, you can check here.)
The signup page also has a 15 minute video showing lots more about the product.